Thursday, April 18, 2013

Changing things up a bit lately

So I started this blog with the intentions of updating weekly however things have gone a little crazy. I started in one company, left and went to another than back to original. Why? Well money of course. When I left thus company the first time I was making at least $100 a day. I went to the other company and was lucky to make that per week. I was given the opportunity to return and jumped on it. In just about a month (give or take a couple days) I have averaged $360 a week. It its our off season now so I am expecting those numbers to drop soon but I don't believe it will be by much. The other company (from what I've seen) has been doing a lot worse. I don't have any problem with the competing company I no longer work for mainly because they taught me how to truly be a cab driver. After almost a year I have learned how to say fuck everyone else and make money. The guys I work with now they aren't used to my aggressiveness so I am not making very many allies. I now get frustrated when my dispatcher has to hold drivers hands and people who don't know how to control their mikes. The jokes and craziness is fun but it can get a little annoying especially if customers are in the car. Now since I have the app on my tablet updates will happen more frequently.

Picture of 3 cabs all in reservation at Melbourne international airport. (the company I now work for)

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